
the Katona family are descendants of first settlers in Marn. They are a politically significant family.

The Katona family is seen as hard-working and strictly loyal to Marn, but somewhat less sophisticated or wily than other upper class families. The name has survived quite well and a significant number of Katonas can be found spread throughout various aspects of Marn's workings, but they hold very little true power or influence despite their secure position. Influential families below the descendants may use the Katona name as a gateway to gain their own influence, generally through marriage. The political leanings can vary between different family branches, but nearly all will present the view of being entirely pro-government. Their main allegiance lies with the City Guard, but they also value religion and education.

The Katona family is a large family kept close by their often similar views. While they are not entirely strict across their branches, they are typically connected by their traditional views about the government. They are one of the more easygoing descendant families, and despite their lack of influence they also enjoy a fairly neutral reputation. As a result, they might find themselves invited to any number of events on either side of the political fence. If they are astute enough, any ambitious Katona member may find themselves able to learn all sorts of things.

Their allies are Oslun and Vincas due to their association with the guard. They dislike anyone who is suspected of going against the law, and they can be racist: primarily Merynir, but also Morrington and Sehkhara.

Notable Members