itsunes, also called kumiho or werefoxes, in the broadest terms, are shifters with the ability to shift into a fox. They are rare on Pal Tahrenor, especially those with more magical tendencies.
There are two distinct forms of kitsune:
- True kitsunes, also called pure kitsunes, do not age and have the potential to live forever. They are inherently magical and often possess great abilities.
- Werefoxes are mixed-blood descendants of true kitsunes and are similar to other forms of shifters, varying much more than their pure-blooded ancestors.
Werefoxes consist of a spectrum of abilities and characteristics inherited from their true kitsune ancestors. They are much more common than true kitsunes, because all pairings between a true kitsune and any other race result in werefoxes. Only two true kitsunes ever produce another, with the exception of certain Astral entities with the ability to transform.
Physical Appearance
he majority of kitsunes can shift into a fox, a human, and can take on a third form of a half-fox. Half-fox forms are similar to half-wolf forms in werewolves. Their body is human-like in build, while their face, skin, hands, and feet take on fox characteristics. In this form kitsunes are physically capable of the most harm, as they have teeth and claws.
The species of fox varies between kitsune and appears to be somewhat independent of genetics.
ost kitsunes are integrated with other species in cities like any other shifter. They are usually not common enough in an area to form groups or societies.
Kitsunes do occasionally form family groups called 'clans', which are rarely more than seven or eight individuals. Often these clans live amongst other groups of people in cities, and behave just as a large family might. Clans may consist of both true kitsune and werefoxes, but are usually only werefoxes.
True Kitsune Clans
In some remote parts of the world, true kitsunes form pair bonds and create new clans in the wild. This is because true kitsune children spend the first fifty or so years of their life as a fox, incapable of shifting. This makes true kitsunes incredibly vulnerable during the first stage of life, so their parents often opt to remain hidden in areas of wilderness.
True kitsunes are normally raised in a religious atmosphere, growing up with their parents and immediate family members for a good portion of their lives.
Nearly all true kitsunes are aware of the Astral being Inari. Most belong to one of two camps regarding Inari:
- Myobu are the worshippers and messengers of Inari. They attempt to do his/her every wish and often pray at shrines devoted to him/her.
- Nogitsune are enemies of Inari that come in many forms. They sometimes devote their entire lives to destruction of the Inari faith or to fighting the Myobu. Usually, this is because Inari has done something unsavory to them or they believe he/she has abandoned them.
True kitsunes learn this religion and of Inari through their parents and family members. Variations in the faith are very common because of Inari's lack of consistency in form and presence. For instance, many kitsunes are convinced Inari is female, when in actuality, neither gender can be proven. Many kitsunes believe that Inari is a nine-tailed kitsune, the highest rank of any kitsune. A common belief is that Inari is the first kitsune, and was responsible for the creation of the original true kitsunes.
This distinction between true kitsunes is entirely religious. The only tangible effect this has on them is the ability for myobu to see through nogitsune illusions. This is a curious phenomenon and cannot be fully explained.
The number of tails for true kitsunes is seen as rank. Some werefoxes also have multiple tails, but the vast majority have only one. Inari is responsible for giving kitsunes their extra tails. Most true kitsunes believe that Inari gives tails to those who are pious and commit an act of honor or particular benevolence. However, Inari may also grant tails at random or as a joke.
Usually, the older a true kitsune is, the more tails they possess. The maximum number of tails is nine.
The number of tails on a kitsune also determines how many lives they have. A kitsune can be resurrected once for every tail it possesses, and one tail is destroyed every time it is killed. Thus, a kitsune with one tail will die when killed, while a kitsune with two tails will live, but lose one tail.
All kitsunes have the ability to shift into some fox or fox-like form. For true kitsunes, this is actually a form of tangible illusion.
True kitsune shifts are completely magical in nature. The power of illusion usually does not produce tangible results except for very powerful kitsunes, but shifting is a special case. A shifted kitsune is completely tangible. Shifting changes their senses and often their abilities. Some kitsunes can only summon elements while in their full fox or half-fox forms, for instance. Over time true kitsunes can also assume other shapes, usually beginning with inanimate objects from nature such as rocks and gradually they may be able to take other animal forms after hundreds of years.
For werefoxes, the shift is usually a physical transformation.
Very powerful true kitsunes can create tangible illusions. Kitsunes with this sort of power are extremely rare.
Other magical abilities range wildly between different kitsunes, and even more so between werefoxes. The most common abilities are invisibility, manipulation of the mind, elemental creation, and illusions. It is relatively rare for werefoxes to possess the completely magical abilities that their true kitsune parents had.
All true kitsunes can communicate to an extent with foxes, having spent fifty or more years of their life as a fox.
True kitsunes who worship Inari (myobu) can see through non-Inari kitsune (nogitsune) illusions.
Kitsunes are usually omnivorous, but true kitsunes and sometimes their werefox offspring are primarily carnivores. They can often digest any human food but prefer cooked or raw meat.
Physical and Mental Attributes
ike all creatures, kitsunes vary greatly between individuals. However, they do have some genetic and socially-formed tendencies.
Kitsunes in their half-fox forms are some of the fastest humanoid creatures on Pal Tahrenor. They often have stealth abilities that make them difficult or impossible to spot in the dark and naturally tend to be athletic.
However, physically kitsunes are usually weak. Most, unlike werewolves, do not have the ability to heal quickly. Werefoxes have normal life spans capping at around one hundred.
Kitsunes can be seen as charming and pleasing to be around by other people. They can have manipulative talents and may even possess the ability to seduce the weak-minded. They are often manipulative and find it easy to lie or become compulsive liars. They tend to be egocentric. This makes it easy for them to assume roles that most people might shy away from; they have a knack for becoming assassins and thieves. They are commonly light-hearted and pleasure-seeking, with a love for excitement and play. Emotional weaknesses are common, as well as addictive personalities.
As individuals, kitsunes do not often like to be alone and are usually social creatures, but they are also unpredictable and many become lone vagabonds or form nomadic groups. They are often emotionally broken due to their unstable natures.
True Kitsunes
True kitsunes have no natural lifespan, and have the potential to live forever. They are creatures tied heavily with the astral plane and have more magical characteristics and abilities than their werefox descendants. They are also tied to the astral being known as Inari, which they have created a religion for.
Many true kitsunes cannot tell people their names because they can be controlled by individuals who know their real names. True kitsunes also have shadows and reflections of a fox no matter what form they are in, making it potentially easy for others to guess what they really are. Despite their immortality they can be killed like any other creature.
True kitsunes are extremely rare, as nearly all of the original kitsunes from before the Seal are deceased. The only way to create more true kitsunes is for two true kitsunes to breed. All other pairings result in variants of werefoxes. This has resulted in true kitsunes being inbred, making genetic disease more probable. They are not a well-known species, but legends of them are more common toward the east in Tian Xia.
Life Cycle of True Kitsunes
ll immortal kitsunes are born as foxes. They are indistinguishable from normal foxes during childhood except by those who can detect magic. During the first fifty years or so of their lives, they are unable to shift forms and are not capable of speech. This is why most clans or families of true kitsunes are found in the woods. After this period they gain their shifting abilities.
For the rest of their lives they slowly develop the wisdom to harness their natural abilities and in this way gain powers. At a certain point they become ageless and have no natural appearance that coincides with their age.
True kitsunes are taught the Inari faith during childhood, and most continue to believe in this faith due to special circumstances that vary for individuals. Inari does seem to be a real entity and does appear to keep ties with true kitsunes.
After childhood, true kitsunes go out into the world to serve for or against Inari, or to simply find their way in life.