
The Tarsis (also called the Tarsis family) is an organized crime network that operates primarily in the northeastern parts of Eyropa and along the coast. It is one of the two largest criminal organizations in Eyropa, second only to the Bendulli crime family which operates in the southwest. These two organizations are believed to control the majority of organized crime in Eyropa, and each one has heavy influence over the politicians in their respective areas.

The principal authority of the Tarsis is an anonymous group of individuals known as The Ring. Most agents working for the Tarsis have no direct contact with The Ring, but receive instructions from them through any number of secretive means.

Believed to be headquartered in Pedom Morini on the shores of Eyropa, the Tarsis is skilled at maintaining secrecy through a complex and decentralized structure. Nearly each city in Eyropa has one or more cells operating within it, and each cell is led by a dilochite (junior officer) who is responsible for its operations and answers to an advisor from The Ring.

The primary sources of revenue for the Tarsis are overseas trade with Ayana, drugs, illegal magical items, extortion and petty theft. This revenue is generated primarily by the cells which must pay monthly dues and are subjected to occasional audits by an examiner called a dicast. Dicasts are feared agents of the Tarsis and any cell found to be avoiding paying dues by their dicast is open to severe punishment including the execution of their dilochite.

Because it operates in less affluent areas with higher rates of poverty, and because of the often brutal enforcement of policies on its cells, the Tarsis is regarded as more violent and less refined than the Bendulli crime family.