Over time the forums and chat have given rise to our own set of memes. These are listed here for reference.
- Nine times a day.
- I'll have your head on a platter.
- ~slicks hair back, flame style~
- balloon silk panties
- PS: Vulva
- I found a gun in a random box marked "GARBAGE"
- Silver wristwatch on a werewolf
- fucked through a WALL
- boob tube
- magic orgasm
- both hands on the keyboard
- father was a tavern
- sad forehead
- don't worry, I have 14 minutes left
- fastest wpm in my class
- my dragons would eat your castle in a bite
- knocking off books we haven't even read
- can't be bothered to spend two hours writing a post
- I have a hot guitar playing boyfriend in the next room
- Barley and Rye
- Aggrogant
- App assassin