
(Redirected from Puradynism)

the Puradyne religion is one that focuses on Theogios as the world's savior. While they do not believe him to be a god, they treat him as the ideal the rest of them should follow: sacrifice to achieve a physical purity without magic. However, as the Puradyne religion is not one that is exceptionally organized, the root of beliefs varies between congregations. The one thing that ties them together across all of their ideologies, however, is the belief that magic does not belong in the world and Theogios' example should be followed.


While the Puradyne religion is not one that follows a top-down structure, it -- as with most religions -- still has enough to provide mentorship towards its various followers, as well as vocations for those who wish to devote their lives towards their faith. The four titles of these ministers are martinets, abbots, monks and pastors.


The head of a congregation is a pastor. These are the folks who parishoners go to when they have questions, and the ones who organize events within their communities. The congregation itself is usually dependent on location; Puradyne members of any given community will gather to share their faith and encourage each other, as well as meditate on what it means to be a Puradyne. While individual parish members might get together to worship in their own manner, typically Puradynes are a very social bunch and will work with their ministers to ensure all the local members can be involved.

When there are many congregations within a given area who are interested in working together (typically very populated urban areas), ministers might decide to elect the most knowledgable or "holy" of their members to the position of martinet. A martinet acts as a minister over several congregations, often acting as a coordinator across parishes. Generally, a person elected to the position of martinet is also considered to be a wise person, and one who is extraordinarily dedicated to the faith.

Especially large congregations might have councils, the members of which are typically voted in democratically. Usually such congregations will have a shared pool of money from which they are able to enrich their community, discourage magical use in the area, or hold large events.

Monasteries & Temples

For those who wish to devote their life to their own contemplation of the faith, a monastery or temple provides a place for them to better live out this desire. Those who do decide to live an ascetic life and entirely forsake anything and everything to do with magic, and giving up material gains in order to serve their beliefs, tend to be called monks. Traditionally, anyone can be a monk, but it is often believed that by seeking the blessing of an abbott an individual receives the grace necessary to begin their new life as a devout of Theogios and the Puradyne faith.

Abbots tend to be the cream of the crop of monks: men and women who have lived their entire lives for the contemplation and spread of the Puradyne faith. They are usually raised to the position by their fellow monks, and tend to be natural leaders.

Monks and abbotts generally eschew the rest of the world: their entire livelihood is based on donations from the puradyne faithful. In return they maintain places of worship and act as spiritual guides. However, they do not gather their own congregations or, generally, participate in congregations on a regular basis; theirs is a quiet life devoted to the pursuit of a magic-free existence.

Typically only humans become monks. It is nigh unheard of for a non-human to become an abbot.

Holy Texts

The Puradyne faith does not have a central text that they consider holy. However, there have been philosophical or instructive texts written by various monks, abbots and ministers throughout the years that act as guides and inspiration for those of the faith. These are usually written by local holy men, though there are a few notable texts that are cherished across multiple regions.


There is no set agreement between those of the Puradyne faith as to what communal worship should look like. As the faith itself primarily focuses on the reverence of Theogios and promoting living without magic, communal worship is not necessarily promoted as an essential by the majority of congregations. However, due to the fact that Puradynes are the minority in a world steeped with magic, communal worship is often encouraged for the simple reassurance and stability it provides. Meeting on a regular basis allows the typical Puradyne to receive support in her daily struggle to elude the lure of magic, as well as teaching the faith to non-believers.

For most congregations there are minister-lead meetings on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis. They will typically do readings from inspirational texts or discuss ways to avoid magic (particularly in magic-heavy areas). Meetings generally tend to last at least one hour, though typically they last longer; beyond meditating on the life of Theogios or their own dedication, Puradyne meetings tend to be about strengthening the community and reducing the magical output from the surrounding area. Discussion and forming bonds is encouraged.